How Latest AI Trends will Improve Our Productivity in Business in 2022/2023


Image Source: Healthcare IT News

The evolution of Artificial Intelligence has led to rapid developments in machine learning, thereby allowing us to come up with improved and smart machines. In this way, as company and business owners/managers, we take sound decisions and deal with more tasks to drastically improve productivity. For business growth and to achieve high user engagement, most companies are looking for a Mobile App Development Company that provides the mobile app with the deployment of AI to automate their tasks, retain users, reduce human workload, and drive more engagement.

Latest AI (Artificial Intelligence) Trend to watch out for in 2022/2023

Until now, experts of top companies have found many futuristic scenarios related to Artificial Intelligence. Particularly, there are two prime factors related to AI development, which include-

Increased cloud and AI collaboration

According to Rico Burnett, director of client innovation at legal services provider Exigent, AI will play a significant role in the widespread adoption of Cloud Solutions in 2021. It will be possible to monitor and manage cloud resources and the vast amount of available data by deploying artificial intelligence.

AI solutions for IT

In 2021, the number of AI solutions being developed for IT will increase. According to Capgemini’s Simion, AI solutions that can detect common IT problems on their own and self-correct any minor malfunctions or issues will become more popular in the coming years. This reduces downtime and allows teams in an organisation to work on high-complexity projects while focusing on other things.

AIOps are gaining popularity

In recent years, the complexity of IT systems has increased. Platform solutions that integrate more than one monitoring discipline, such as application, infrastructure, and networking, will be desired by vendors, according to Forrester. IT operations and other teams can improve their key processes, decision making, and tasks with AIOps solutions and improved data analysis. Forrester advised IT leaders to look for AIOps providers who will enable cross-team collaboration by providing end-to-end digital experiences, data correlation, and toolchain integration for IT operations management.

AI will aid in data structuring.

We will see more unstructured data structured with natural language processing and machine learning processes in the future. Organizations will use these technologies to generate data that RPA (robotic process automation) technology can use to automate transactional activity within an organisation. RPA is one of the software industry’s fastest-growing segments. Its only limitation is that it can only use structured data. Unstructured data can be easily converted into structured data with the help of AI, which can provide a defined output. One of the most significant AI trends is this.

The focus is on AI Ethics.

Natalie Cartwright, co-founder and COO of Finn AI, an AI banking platform, predicts that by 2021, organisations will provide expertise on how to use artificial intelligence to address major global issues, stimulate innovation and economic growth, and ensure inclusion and diversity. Transparency of data and algorithm fairness are two of the issues that are gaining attention as AI ethics become more important to organisations.

Large scale adoption of AI in the IT industry

We have seen continuous growth in the adoption of AI within the IT industry. However, Simion predicts that organisations will use AI in production and start using them on a large scale. With the help of artificial intelligence, an organisation can get ROI in real-time. This means that organisations will see their efforts being paid off. This is one of the most important AI trends.

Artificial Intelligence will become more explainable 

The senior director of product at customer data hub Tealium, Dave Lucas, says that there will be a bigger focus on explainability. As more data regulations come into play, the trust in AI will be pivotal. To clearly understand and articulate how each characteristic will contribute to the end prediction or the result of the machine learning model.

3D Vision

Whether it is a simple task or a complicated one, the performance of any robot depends solely on 3D Vision for the input of data in AI technology. For instance, grasping any object without any pre-determined motion and location would be impossible without the application of machine vision to reconstruct a 3D image, while AI can translate the respective visual information into any successful action for the robot.

Cloud Robotics

Robotics’ deep learning uses image classification, and its speech recognition relies primarily on big datasets with tons of live examples. AI requires data to reside realistically on a majority of local systems. In this manner, advancements in cloud robotics are highly essential to achieving AI advancements and innovative robotics technologies.

Mobile AI will transform business


Whether it is related to boosting the business-related procedures or improving efficiency and accuracy by putting updated data in workers’ hands, enterprise mobility via Artificial Intelligence has allowed workers to become relatively more productive, as highlighted by the 451 Research Vice President Kevin Burden. As AI’s adaptability has allowed businesses to satisfy customers’ needs while creating a personalized experience, the mobile app development companies are finding the best ways to utilize Artificial Intelligence for nextgen mobile apps.

Mainstream auto manufacturers will launch self-driving cars

Tesla was the first ever-automobile manufacturing company to its self-driving vehicle. Hence, to maintain pace with Tesla Group, many other automobile manufacturers, including Audi Group, have been poised to launch their self-driving cars in the year 2018. According to experts, the latest Audi model, i.e. Audi A8, will come with self-driving technology and will be able to shuttle humans safely without input from drivers. Along with this, two other automobile giants named Volvo and Cadillac are developing their advanced self-driving technology. Hence, their latest self-driving types of vehicles will become visible increase in the year 2018.

Content will be created using AI

If you look at the scenario early, you will find that many publishers often spend many hours creating valuable, interactive and relevant content for social media platforms and their websites. However, the scenario has changed today completely, thanks to the evolution of innovative tools, like Wibbitz tools, which help publishers write/create compelling minutes even within only a few minutes.

Associated Press is utilizing another innovative tool, i.e. Wordsmith powered by Automated Insights. This helps in applying natural language generation to prepare various news stories by the data related to earnings. Other than this, many brands, like Hearst, CBS and USA Today, have recently started utilizing AI technology to generate their content. Considering this fact, readers have predicted that during the coming months of 2018, there will be more media companies to adopt technologies related to video generation and natural language technologies.

Peer-to-peer networks will create transparency


Image Source: Google

Machine learning refers to a specific form of artificial intelligence, and a large number of companies, including Facebook, have already started using statistical modelling to allow machines to make informed decisions about the display of the following content. However, models may work properly only when they get data in adequate amounts and with enough computational power. Positively, with the launch of various peer-to-peer networks, similar to the ones used by cryptocurrencies, many companies and small business organizations have obtained enough ability to operate innovative AI programs with the collective power of fully networked and personalized computers.

Research is a company that aims to use artificial intelligence and peer-to-peer networking to achieve transparency in the search engines sector. Google, the search engine giant, is responsible for controlling about 80percent of the entire search market, but only a few people have fully understood how Google determines any content to display to a specific consumer. Research Group plans to utilize cryptocurrencies to incentivize its participants to lend enough computational power possessed by personal computers. On the other side, the company promises to create a transparent search engine platform. In essence, we should say that many startup groups would opt to use peer-to-peer and AI networks to deal with the challenges often dealt from large organizations. For this, they have already raised a huge amount equal to 5million dollars as funds.

Demand for data scientists will surpass demand for engineers

Since companies of each size strive very hard to accumulate valuable pieces of information and effectively analyze data, modern industries will witness an inevitable requirement for various talented data scientists who come with enough ability to deal with big data sets to help AI platforms. Another reason behind this is that the machine-learning type of Artificial Intelligence system utilizes probability to find the right decision or appropriate solution for any given problem. With the availability of valuable data, machine-learning platforms will get the opportunity to develop improved predictions.

AI will fight challenging diseases


Image Source: TechGen

Latest technological trends in the form of Artificial Intelligence and blockchain have led to the launch of innovative Nano Vision technology. Accordingly, users participate in a program using a special Nano cryptocurrency type. On the other side, machine-learning technology analyzes and identifies illnesses to activate any new drug, cure and treatment within a less possible period and at the most affordable cost possible.

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Enterprises will Operationalize AI

Business organizations and enterprises have spent their past few years educating them on various tools and frameworks available under Artificial Intelligence. However, as AI moves to the mainstream, it will go beyond any small-scale experiments to become fully operationalized and automated. In this way, enterprises will operationalize AI and search for tools and products to streamline, automate, and manage the life cycle of complete machine learning and deep learning.

Cloud adoption will accelerate to support AI innovation

According to the principal data scientist of Quobole named, Horia Margarit, enterprises in the coming 2019 will take steps to improve the existing infrastructure and procedures to support their efforts related to Artificial Intelligence and machine learning.


To conclude, we should say that possibilities with Artificial Intelligence are innumerable. Because of this, it will give us tons of facilities and benefits even beyond our imaginations.

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